If you need a TL;DR: This is essentially a non-violent call to action in the interest of continuing the battle that Luigi Mangione has started. For once, this is not something that should be boiled down to a fight between the left and the right; this is a unifying historical event that is about us against them. And, for the first time, we have been given a platform to truly voice our concerns about the American healthcare system, and a scenario in which those concerns may actually be heard.
Now, if you’re still with me, then that means you actually care what I have to say on this matter, for better or worse. So let’s dig in.
On December 4, 2024, Luigi Mangione allegedly shot and killed Brian Thompson, the CEO of United Healthcare. I don’t think I need to give you a run down of the subsequent events leading up to his capture. If you’re reading this you’re likely on social media, so you already know the story. And for good reason. This is not just some random shoot out in New York City. No, this was potentially the seed of a revolution.
The oppression we as citizens face from corporate America, including but not limited to the healthcare system, is not a secret. In fact, it’s so widely accepted that it’s become a pillar of meme culture. It’s something we have ALL felt the sting of, but until recently that was something that seemed inevitable. Until recently, we were all walking in line, heads down, going through the motions of our day to day because “there’s nothing we can do about it.” Luigi Mangione stepped out of that line and made a lot of noise while doing so, sparking a little thought in all of our heads: “It doesn’t have to be like this.”
As I mentioned, this is not an issue that pits the right against the left, although I do see the occasional rogue Facebook post or nut-job with an internet presence trying to frame it that way (I’m looking at you, Ben Shapiro). No, this is an issue that both sides must stand UNITED on (pun intended) as we are all victims of a corrupt system that is profiting off of our pain and misery, regardless of political affiliation or personal beliefs. Don’t get me wrong, anyone who follows my page can make a very rapid assumption about my feelings on Donald Trump and his following. But this is a perfect example of “an enemy of my enemy is my friend.” So by all means, have your qualms with one another, but keep it off of THIS battlefield.
So the question then becomes, what is next? Luigi Mangione is in custody, awaiting what will be an overwhelmingly historical trial. Brian Thompson is dead and United has another CEO already sitting in his chair because, while Thompson was a CEO, he was still a human with people that held power over him. So at the end of the day, to them, he was just as replaceable as any of us. But what about the rest of us? What do we do now? The outcry on social media makes it obvious that the country is awake to the possibilities now, the issue lies in organization. I am in multiple “Free Luigi Etc.” groups on social media, and I enjoy seeing the solidarity, genuinely I do. But with each passing day, I see what started as a spark with the potential of becoming a flame, slowly turn into nothing more than a meme, and something that happened on the news. Each day, people are returning to being completely wrapped up in their nine to five, getting the kids to school, paying the bills, and Luigi Mangione’s sacrifice little by little goes to waste. We can NOT allow that to happen.
We need to make this an organized movement. We need to act with a purpose, establish a play-by-play game plan, as well as appoint leadership positions in different areas to lead protests and collaborate with other leaders on the best course of action. And our message and our goals need to be unanimous so that we are sending the message to those up top: this is an organized movement of the American people against the healthcare system’s War on Patients. I see all around that this event has awakened many new activists, all of whom’s hearts are in the right place, but they need guidance and leadership. This is our next step toward achieving the America that Luigi Mangione sacrificed his freedom for.
In addition, I am also including the link for a petition to ensure a fair trial and transparent investigation for Mr. Mangione. There are more comprehensive details directly on the petition, but each signature goes a long way. Between these two courses of action, I believe we have a strong foundation to begin the Mangione Movement, and a path paved toward making our voices finally heard. I hope to see you all out there on the front lines.
Deny. Defend. Depose.
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